Contact us!
First United Methodist Church
PH: (574) 255-4707
FX: (574) 255-4797
201 E. Third Street
Mishawaka, IN 46544
If you are in need of emergency pastoral care after regular office hours (such as a death in the family or a crisis), please call 574-255-4707, choose option 4 and leave a voice mail with all the pertinent information. A message will be automatically sent to our pastoral staff who will get in touch with you.
Rev. Andrew Suite, Lead Pastor
Rev. Joyce Kuhn, Director of Older Adult Ministry
Samantha Maidment, Office Manager
David Carew, Director of Chancel Choir
Nate Miller, Organist
Miriam Shaffer, Treasurer
Sue Geerligs, Financial Secretary
Sharon Leamon, Wedding Hostess