• chevron_rightIs there anything for my children to do during the worship service?
    Absolutely!  We know the importance of having children in worship AND we know that a “little goes a long way” for young children.  In all of our worship services Praise Pack, Activity bags are available in both the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for Children to engage with during service.
  • chevron_rightWhat can I expect to experience during a worship service?
    While different services use different styles, it is our prayer that all will experience a connection with the Living God in any worship setting at Mishawaka First.
    Traditional / Blended (9:30 am in the Sanctuary):
    o Stained glass windows & seating in padded pews – or chair seating in the adjacent “East Room”
    o Passionate worship led by our choir or vocalists
    o Great music with a mix of piano, organ, instrumentalists, hymns, soloists and more
    o A time of sharing when we collect items for our Mission Partners
    o Biblically based, grace filled message- focused for today
    o Coffee and snacks available from the Tower Café
    Contemporary (11:00 am in Fellowship Hall):
    o Relaxed atmosphere with seating around tables or in rows (your choice)
    o Coffee and snacks available from the Tower Café
    o Passionate worship led by our Contemporary Alive Band
    o A time of sharing when we collect items for our Mission Partners
    o Biblically based, grace filled message- focused for today
  • chevron_rightWhat should I wear?
    Whatever makes you feel comfortable, you are more important to us than what you’re wearing!
  • chevron_rightWhat time should I arrive for worship?
    Some worshippers begin to arrive 10-15 minutes before our worship times (9:30 am or 11:00 am) and greeters are in place during those times.  BUT, many others come in right on time or even after the service begins.  You are welcome ANY time.
  • chevron_rightWhen is communion offered? And can I receive communion as a visitor?
    ALL who seek to be in communion with Christ are welcome to receive communion when it is offered.  You need not be a member of this church or any church, but simply desire to receive from the grace of Jesus Christ.  Holy Communion is celebrated in our worship services usually during the first Sundays of the month.